

Beekeeper Meetings: because we can’t communicate with pheromones

Beekeeper Meetings There are more than 16 monthly beekeeper meetings held at various town halls, civic centers and libraries across Wisconsin. Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to speak to one club, the East Central Wisconsin Beekeepers Association (ECWBA). The club rotates meeting places between Ripon and Fond du Lac Public Libraries.  Forty-five dedicated beekeepers,

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Duluth Timber Company, Old Wood, New Stories

Duluth Timber Company Old Wood, New Stories Exploring Duluth, Minnesota Driving Northwest at night on highway 535 heading into Duluth in the middle of January is beautiful. Icy roads, poor visibility, and not knowing if I was headed in the correct direction was a bit scary. The lights on the cliffs overlooking Lake Superior are

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Corner Grocer Twinkies Milk Duds or Health

The local corner grocer was common in the 50s and 60s. Dad said, with taverns on three corners and a grocer on one, I had better make sure to enter the correct door. We didn’t shop once a week. The corner grocer was way more convenient. I was the convenience, the kid who shopped and

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Why Do Farmers Need Bees?

Why do Farmers Need Bees? This blog was first published in 2012 (revised 9.23.16). Summer is a time for sinking your teeth into a large juicy peach or a slice of ice cold watermelon from your local roadside farm stand.  Is it my imagination, or are the distinct, remarkable flavors of that juicy peach from

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PBS Wisconsin Life Video

PBS Wisconsin Life Video August 29, 2016 The announcement came today. “Wisconsin Life” will feature Sweet Mountain Farm on Wisconsin Public Television in the last segment at 7:00 p.m. on September 22, 2016. The segment is titled Beekeeper Finds Russian Honeybees Uniquely Suited To Wisconsin It will be interesting to hear what producer Joel Waldinger

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